YachtAid Global, a registered 501c3 founded in 2006, operates at the highest levels of international non-profit work, providing disaster relief, humanitarian aid, and conservation programs across coastal communities worldwide.
Since their founding in 2006, YachtAid Global has become the recognized leader in facilitating yachting industry-wide engagement and collaboration for disaster relief and recovery, humanitarian aid, and conservation management efforts across global coastal communities.
Through this mission, YachtAid Global operations, programs and projects have engaged 300+ yachts across 250+ projects over 25+ countries in timely, agenda-free initiatives that saved lives, alleviated suffering, and protected the environment.
It is incumbent upon the yachting community to care for the people and the environments of the coastal communities around the globe who share with us their land, sea, and spirit.” - Captain Mark Drewelow, Founder YachtAid Global
Eco Adventures
From whale watching to photography tours and remote grizzly bear viewing